Discover Turin

what to see and points of interest

Executive Hotel and Suites is located in downtown Turin, a strategic position to visit the city following the many tourist itineraries of Turin.

Turin was the first capital of the Kingdom of Italy in the second half of XIX century, so the city is full of monuments, palaces, medieval castles and art museums of international importance. Turin is dynamic, innovative, artistic, modern and trendy, with always new cultural movements.

Discover with us the city, a tourist destination full of different itineraries, and experience a stay dedicated to art and culture, fun and relaxation.

Shuttle service

to organize trips in the surroundings

Internal garage

to safely park your car

City bike rental

to discover the city by pedaling

Suggested intineraries

for bikes and running

Savoy Residences

Valentino Castle On the banks of Po river, there is the Medieval Village built on the occasion of the Italian Exhibition in 1884. It is a faithful reproduction of buildings and decorations of the late medieval period, where walking between houses, alleys, fountains, craft shops and the beautiful medieval castle with its drawbridge you can be surrounded by the atmosphere of the Medieval era.

Cavour Palace Beautiful Baroque building built in 1729 by G. Plantery, where the famous Count Camillo Benso of Cavour was born and lived. He was a politician and intellectual who has founded the newspaper “Il Risorgimento” in the XIX century, one of the most important newspapers still active. Recently restored, the Cavour Palace today houses international art exhibitions.

The Royal Palace Great building of seventeenth century, the Royal Palace was the residence of the dukes of Savoy, the King of Sardinia and the Kings of Italy until 1865. It’s an unmissable place of interest. The Royal Palace was decorated by the most important artists of that period and contemporary as Filippo Juvarra. You can also visit the royal apartments, to admire the changing tastes of the Savoy sovereigns in the furniture with mixed styles from the seventeenth to the twentieth century.

Barolo Palace Aristocratic mansion built in the seventeenth century by Baroncelli, the Barolo Palace was restored in the mid-eighteenth century and it was one of the most important salons of the nineteenth century.

the main museums

Egyptian Museum The Egyptian Museum in Turin with over 30,000 pieces and historical artifacts, is the second most important collection in the world after the Cairo Museum. It is located within the Academy of Sciences, baroque palace which also houses the Savoy Gallery.

The Mole Antonelliana – Museum of Cinema The Mole Antonelliana is high 167 meters, it is the symbol of Turin that overlooks the city. It was built in 1.800 by Alessandro Antonelli and today it is one of the major national museums of the Cinema, with an exhibition area of over 3000 sqm.

GAM – Civic Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art More than fifteen thousand works are exhibited at GAM in Turin, including paintings, sculptures, photos, drawings and engravings by leading contemporary artists such as Lucio Fontana, De Chirico and Modigliani.

San Salvario district and the Park

The San Salvario neighborhood is one of the most fascinating and lively areas of Turin both day and night.

San Salvario is characterized by a huge variety of activities and businesses: from artisan workshops to nightclubs, from jewelry stores to ethnic restaurants, from workshops to festivals. Getting bored is impossible and this is why the neighborhood is one of the favorite destinations for Turin’s nightlife.
Immerse yourself completely in the history, culture and atmosphere of this magical neighborhood.

Oltre ai palazzi ottocenteschi, le chiese e i monumenti, il quartiere è impreziosito da un’oasi di pace, verde e relax di 40 ettari: il Parco del Valentino. Adagiato sulle rive del Po, il parco è caratterizzato dalla presenza di un curioso e affascinante Borgo Medievale, dallo stile architettonico che si rifà ai castelli piemontesi e valdostani del Medioevo. Costruito in occasione dell’Esposizione Generale Italiana del 1884, oggi è sede di eventi e numerose manifestazioni culturali. Caratteristico anche il Giardino Roccioso e diverse cappelle e fontane che offrono uno scenario romantico senza tempo. Il Parco del Valentino è anche uno degli nostri itinerari suggeriti per Jogging e Biking.

out-of-town trips

Reggia di Venaria RealeLa Reggia di Venaria Reale è una delle maggiori residenze sabaude in Piemonte, fu costruita a metà del Seicento per volere di Carlo Emanuele II di Savoia. La sontuosa dimora dall’architettura barocca, in quanto a sfarzo, è paragonabile alla reggia francese di Versailles.

La Basilica di SupergaAlle porte di Torino sorge la Basilica di Superga, costruita nel XVIII secolo ad opera architettonica di Filippo Juvarra, massimo esponente dello stile barocco, ispirata al magnifico Pantheon di Roma. Posta sulla sommità della collina Superga, dalla Basilica si scorge una vista mozzafiato della città di Torino.

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